Friday, May 8, 2009

wednesday may sixth

no journal required today.

I was mostly "collaging" at work today, which is a fun word for cutting out itty bitty naked pictures and sorting them by model. It is very tedious work. Ryan circles the models he wants, and we cut them out. Some of them are extremely small and the exacto knife can be dangerous if one's not careful.

I stayed in the office all day today, which was a relaxing alternative, but still exhausting. Jeff and I relabeled the cases into which all the equipment is loaded for the road trips. That stuff needs to be organized and cleaned for the next trip.

Other than that, I mostly was putting and taking things out for people around the office. Overall, an okay day.

There's a new intern named Sarah.

I'm hopeful that if I stay at the internship long enough I'll be given more serious jobs, using photoshop and such. Patrick (another intern) was photoshopping a picture of Ryan for the entire day.

We had falafel for lunch. Everyone at the office knows how to have fun and get work done.

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